Monday, May 22, 2017


SUGGESTION re Navigation
It is May 21 2017. I'm 'killing time' looking at old blog entries.

Looking at this one about coping with Christmas, I realize that the blog format of 'latest posting foremost', really doesn't suit a narrative project like this one - or maybe not most of my projects.
So here is a work around - might reduce some FRUSTRATION.

1. Know that each posting is a unit in itself - that means while the images and comments are in sequence within that posting, the next posting will be chronologically before the one you have just read, and can be annoying.

2. SO's something you can do.

(a) to your right on the screen, there is a menu of the posts in reverse order year by year.
(b) Expand each year by clicking on the little arrow to the left of each year, then the arrow at the left of each month
(c)You will now see the entries for each month - click on the bottom entry to get to the beginning of the story.