Tuesday, November 27, 2012

TED TALK I watched Nov 15 2012

Because it is about CREATIVITY, I thought it might be interesting.
What wise words those are - to BEGIN by letting go! In other words stop trying to CONTROL THINGS all the time.
Of course, this links to both RECOVERY which tells me constantly that I cannot ccontrol the outer environment; and to that piece about the SPHERE - that floating free in the sphere of LOVE I can let things just be as they are, instead of trying unsuccessfully to 'manage' them

That CREATIVITY comes from the broken - surely that is a word of hope for me

And LISTENING to the world has huge potential for sparking ideas.

Embracing the CHALLENGE isn't so easy on its own, but if I combine it with the next point about PLAYING AROUND, I don't find the challenge so overwhelming.

And finally there is the idea which is also a challenge - to MAKE BEAUTY out of DEVASTATION.

Interestingly, this is what I took from the TED TALK - I wonder whether people would see the same meanings - sometimes I think I hear what I need to hear, not necessarily the whole message.

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