Sunday, December 30, 2012

Post-C .... still ....

Reminder - you can click on the images to enlarge them!

In the end, this is how I got through the toughest days - as silent as I could without being rude!

The darkness was intense, but being in a 'star-shaped' hole probably made it marginally easier

I often get relief once the day itself has passed, but not this year.

Nevertheless, the road is long until it twists back on itself for next year!

Yes, I can hear people saying:
You fought a good fight, you didn't fail, you can endorse yourself for effort, not for the outcome.

and the shame and guilt come from accusation - who is accusing you?

But feelings/thoughts are what they are!

In the midst of all this darkness, I make up this 'luminaria'.

Despite heavy winds, and some rain, the little nightlight burned itself out, though quicker than normally.

Maybe I'll do some more tomorrow, to make up for the solar lights that never got to work.

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